
The one stop site for all your delivery needs

All Industries one Solution

About Us

We aim to satisfy our clients with the highest level of professionalism and technology!​ With constant exploring, we strive to improve our services and provide customers with the most efficient and best solution.

The only place where you’ll get the perfect solution for your industry needs.

Our Products

Keenon W3

Efficient delivery to satisfy consumers needs. Need more storage space? You have it here.

Keenon T1

Adequate to transfer up to 3 locations after fully loading T1.

Keenon T2

Its enclosed structure provides contactless and zero pollution during dish distribution. With hygiene as the utmost priority, you can be more assured.

Keenon T5

Its collision sensor makes the robot avoid obstacles. Automatically adjusts its speed according to the ground slope. 

Keenon T6

T6’s visual operation interface is what stands out from the others.

Guiding Robot

The smart voice system supports free talking with users and customized conversations in specific scenes. Definitely suitable for crowded places.

Disinfection Robot

Ultra-dry fog particles sprayed out is below 10µm. By spraying uniformly, bacteria kill rate is up to 99.9%.

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Our Partners

Our corporate partners are important. OneClickRobots is always grateful for the various ideas, support and innovations they bring to help solve our clients issues.